Saturday, April 7, 2018

Moody Blues Frankenset: Cards #3-6

    Let me say, I was hesitant about using cards already in one of my other collections, in this case my Cubs collection, especially when I do not have duplicates. I also suspected there would be instances where I may want to use more than one card for a single representation, but I did not expect to get there so soon. When that knowing light shines, or in this case, that flashing blue light, one must shout 'Tesla!' and go for it!

     The Moody Blues library of works have more than a few references to dreams, and I was actually looking for cards for a different dream song, but these four cards are a perfect fit for 'The Dream'. The four of them form the complete Northsiders Dream Team set, so they all deserve a share of this slot in the Frankenset.

     The cards are from the 1989 Topps K-Mart Dream Team set, they are #1, #8, #24 and #26; shown below, in order. What I like about these cards is that the hot pink ribbons are a match with the pink 'Dodgers' on card number one of this Frankenset. (They will be on the same album page.) I also like that the yellow font for the 'Dream Team' at the top of each card is actually fluffy and on a blue background. -I assure you that fluffy, cloud-like letters are no easy thing to find on a baseball card! But what really cinched these cards for representing 'The Dream' is the first line of the lyrics.-
'When the white eagle of the North is flying overhead' 

    'The Dream' is from the 1969 'On the Threshold of a Dream' album, and it was written by Graeme Edge. 

The Northsiders


A special Thank You to Julie of A Cracked Bat: Baseball Cards and a Hot Dog for gifting me with two of these Dream Team cards!

The Moody Blues Frankenset Checklist


  1. great connection to 'The Dream' - and you are welcome! I did see the Moodys perform with a full orchestra in the 90s. The clip took me right back there. What a trip!
